Saturday, November 5, 2011

Terrafugias ok flying car design ever

Hello there flat screen readers, Today I want to tell you why terrafugias car plane combo will not catch on.
First of all the fold up 2 wings can have mechanical joint problems which would have to be oiled from time to time and they can get ripped, not only that it might not fit well in your garage.
Second you have to go drive all the way to a winged airport and wait your turn on the road runway for a diagonal takeoff.
Third you can't airbrake or backup and can stall like any other winged plane and you have to fly to an airport runway just for a diagonal landing.
Forth the gusty winds can blow your fold up wings car and tip it over.
If you ask me Terrafugias car plane combo is not worth buying because it can crash and you'll be disappointed in the limitations it has needing an airport to fly. I feel sorry that Carl Dietrich is struggling to sell it. I don't think he'll do well unless he just offers air taxi joyrides.

Carl Dietrich Please offer joyrides because you'll do better than trying to sell carplanes because they're too expensive to afford and hard to take care of and a big hassle to get a pilots license. Please listen to me so you don't end up in debt or bankrupt.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Future inventions I do and don't want

Hello flat screen readers, Actually there are inventions I do not want to exist here's my list.
Worst science fiction gadgets
1. Hot Plasma Lightsaber.
The lightsaber is a failure has been and will be until the end of the world, besides you would burn your hand, body and face up and worse yet it can melt the handle, besides it would bring down buildings and burn people to death, no way do I want it bullet guns and fire bombs are horrible enough in crime and war.
2. Time traveling to mess up history
Also as for the time machine car you wouldn't be able to go into the past or future at will and speeding up to 88 MPH will not take you forward or back in time. You will only go 1 second into the future because that's how God set up time. Even if it worked you would end up in outer space. Besides I wouldn't want to go in the past and especially not the 19th century because they had a hard life with no electricity, TVs, computers, no wheel cars, blaze they didn't have clean food and water and had to ride horses or walk. But I would like to be able to view the past (But I would not want to live in it or mess it up.)
3. Teleporting your physical body instantly
I do not think that you can tear apart your body and put it together in another place because first of all you would die in the process and having a clone body wouldn't do you any good because you would be dead. My advice is don't teleport your physical body in the first place. If you want to get to places just walk or drive a wheel car, or fly a winged airplane or a flying car.
4. Using dangerous Mr Fusion for fuel
I don't think it could be made it in the market place because the oil companies would suppress you and take your compact Fusion away. Besides you would get radiation and might get cancer in your body.
Now here's a list of things I do want exist here's my list.
Best science fiction gadgets
1. Hoverboards and hovercars for transportation
The hoverboard has been in Treasure Planet and it's the best Disney movie ever as well as Meet the Robinsons. It low hovers over almost all terrain. Also hovercars would be great considering you go off road.
2. Flying car for transportation
The flying car has been featured in Disney Flubber movies, Meet the Robinsons, Lilo and Stitch, Treasure Planet. And Pinocchio 3000. While it would be convenient to fly to places, you would have to be very careful you don't fall down and crash, and you wouldn't want terrorist to use them as missiles.
3. 3-D hologram Movies, video games, TV and Internet fun
The 3-D hologram would let you see real 3-D shows without 3-D glasses. Hopefully it finally comes.
4. Fast moving robots.
Robots would be useful in making movies and TV shows without real people actors because they would never get bored and it would make Puppets come to life without strings and move claymation and toy characters and you don't need to take frame pictures anymore. (But I don't want robots to have their good and bad thoughts)
Well that's some of the stuff I want and don't ever want thanks for reading my blog article.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

This is the 3-D hologram I prefer the most

Hello there flat screeners today I want to tell you what 3-D hologram projector. I want the 3-D hologram projector to be able to show 3-D images popping out of the screen in midair. Here's my
vision for a true 3-D hologram.

Remember no 3-D glasses period and no containing it inside the flat screen.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I'm done with flying ducted fans

Remote Controlled Hovering Cyber Surfer RC Hover Board by AOK

To the flat screen blogger readers.

About the ducted fan hoverboard I was planning on building, I've decided to cancel my ducted fan hoverboard project and I'll instead work on a zipline hoverboard, a maglev hoverboard, and the true self magnet hoverboard. Now let me tell you the reasons why I quit the ducted fan hoverboard even the air cushion hoverboard.

1. There are people already working on one or have built one. So that means I don't have to worry about building one myself.

2. It's not safe for most people to ride due to stability issues, mechanical issues, too loud, needs gasoline and could fly out of control and flip people over and can be too heavy to carry around.

3. It can never be street legal and you have insurance to worry about.

4. It won't be popular enough and will be too steep expensive to sell so you can't make much money off of it.

So with that in mind I will not pursue it any further but that doesn't I've given up on the hoverboard dream. I will still make a hoverboard but it will have to work like in Treasure Planet movie. Now here's why you should try making a self magnet hoverboard.

1. There isn't anyone that's working on it except the small hovertech company. So you'll need to study magnets and electricity and how they work.

2. It will be mostly quiet and have very good stability, less maintenance and will be battery powered and people can be in control most of the time and it's light enough to carry around.

3. It has a good chance of being street legal and you don't need insurance for it except when you get real hurt.

4. It can be very popular enough and you can sell it cheap enough to earn enough money to make a living. On top of that you can convert wheel cars into hovercars.

So if I had to choose between a ducted fan hoverboard or a magnet hoverboard I'd go with the magnet hoverboard because I believe magnet waves can be harnessed to float in midair and hover over non magnetic ground. But of course I would have to watch out for iron particles and objects and it may or may not hover over water and snow but we'll see. But hoverboards, hoverbikes, hovercars and hoverboats will come true.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Why is Terrafugia not selling their car plane combo yet?

Airplane Pilot Buyers Beware
In my last article about Terrafugias car plane combo I talked about my criticism and doubts about their awkward Inspector Gadget car plane combo. Well today in this article I'm going to tell you why they're not selling their car plane combo and the delay. For years people have flown in winged airplanes and even owned them for a high price like flight insurance, buying it for over $100,000 and the long 40 hours of training you have to go through just to fly, on top of that you have the high risk of crashing to your death. Even though FAA approved their flying car, I do not think that they're going to attract buyers with their steep price of $200,000 especially average pilots because right now pilots would rather buy an airplane that's $50,000 and deal with airport hassles than waste $200,000 on a risky flying car. Me if I had $200,000 and had to choose to buy a house or a flying car, I'd choose to own a house because I feel much safer in my house than driving and flying a car because I do not want to die in a flying car. Terrafugias business plan is very poor, look at the history of people attempting to sell their so called flying car their business failed or they died in the crash and the weight issues of lighter planes and heavier cars.
Carl Dietrich I think you need to call off the selling of your car plane combo right now and just do air taxi rides, no one's going to want to waste $200,000 for a flying car that could crash to the ground or risk the wind blowing them over while driving. And buyers beware, this is not the right kind of flying car because you need airports and the flying car can get blown over by gusty winds and getting a pilots license will cost you over $7000 dollars. For now stick with the 20th century winged planes until someone perfects a VTOL flying car.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Hoverboard and hovercar hoax videos

If your reading this article then I'm going to tell you the truth about hoverboards and even hovercars being shown on flat screen videos even from and videos. Now first of all if you see the online video of a kid or a teenager or young adult on what looks like they are actually riding a self magnet hoverboard, the truth is they are not it's all a trick because what happens is they actually use a computer program to edit out the wheels under the skateboard or the wires holding the board up and make them invisible. That's the same way with hollywood movies because they use camera tricks as well like The Absent Minded Professor, Son of Flubber, Chitty chitty bang bang and Flubber, they have to use a big crane or roller coaster rails or even scenery image tricks to make it look like the car is really flying and then they too have to edit the wire props or rail guide on their big camera to make it look like they are actually flying perfectly in the sky otherwise we would not have those flying cars in movies and TV shows. But if you see youtube or vimeo videos of air cushion hoverboards or hovercrafts then those are real because the fans blow air and traps it inside the skirt and barely lifts the hoverboard or hovercraft less than an inch off the ground but sadly they are hard to control, they're loud and use gasoline and are not safe to drive in the streets and they cost over $10,000 to buy one. But if you see cartoons or computer animated movies or TV shows or video games with characters on hoverboards or in hovercars keep in mind they are drawn out on paper or it is using a computer drawing program to make the hoverboard and hovercar with characters move perfectly in or on it. Examples are The Jetsons, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Reboot, Samurai Jack, Pinocchio 3000, Treasure Planet, Meet the Robinsons. And the same goes for any cartoon hoverboard or hovercar videos on In my next article I will talk about the delay with flying cars or as I like to call it compact aircraft and why low hovercars haven't been worked on yet.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Youtube videos need an age rating system now

To the youtube and google company. If you're an owner of youtube or work for them then hear me out. Even though youtube is a place for watching home videos and getting information. It's also a place where punk teenagers and college students say swear words using bible words like the D or H or A word or foul language including swearing subtitles or act annoying, say hateful things about people including racism, hating religion and talking about devilish stuff, cursing the lords name, and make fun of the lord, talking about death in a mean way, getting real mad and swear and rant about how cartoon network is bad or that todays Disney channel is considered annoying, complaining and swearing about no flying cars or hoverboards that never came and show disrespect to American society, telling lies about America or give misleading information. They also steal copyright movies, TV shows, music, video games to view for free without paying the big hollywood studios for their hard work including altering scenes from Sesame Street and slipping in the F word just to offend people for fun. Also the punk teenagers show videos of abusing and killing animals for fun, and show bullies fighting other people, or showing naked man and woman videos or having sex on the videos, or talking about drugs, beer, cigarettes and weapons being ok just to corrupt victims. On top of that there is no warning to tell you which videos you are getting into. Alot of videos are not for kids and we don't like offensive surprises especially ones with profanity or porn pictures or abusive violence also there's sometimes toilet humor videos. Please google and youtube workers consider my rating system because alot of kids are watching rotten youtube videos and it's turning them into criminals and rebelling against society. Swearing and porn pictures is not harmless it can ruin a persons life and make them see the world as a real bad place. The time for a real age rating system is now not later and please don't ignore my plea for kids safety. I know we can't prevent amateur teens and young adults from uploading videos that swear, or say hateful stuff or have fighting scenes. Youtube owners do have a responsibly and if they don't start taking action putting out an age rating system this could be our downfall of America, Australia, England, Canada, New Zeland. Also make sure big movie and TV and music studios are getting paid money because they worked hard on their movies and TV shows and music. In case you're wondering what is the age flag rating system? Its to tell which videos are age appropriate for people to watch. You wouldn't want your child watching a PG-13 or rated R type video especially if it's for free and viewable anytime. That is very wrong and misleading. People have a right in America to know what they're watching on youtube it's very wrong to hide the swearing, and porn pictures and take people by surprise until swearing and naked pictures gets rubbed in their faces and ears. If youtube owners decide to ignore kids safety then hopefully our American government will interfere and make a new law requiring you to have a rating system. Here's my idea for an age rating system. green [6+] means it's for all ages nothing to offend kids. Blue [10+] means it's for older kids might contain some swearing or fighting. Yellow [13+] means it's for teens and contains swearing, fighting scenes, mild nudity. Red [18+] means it's for adults only and contains extreme fighting, hard porn scenes, swearing alot and satanism in it. The final rating [?] should be to be rated. It should be organized into 5 separate age videos The internet videos [13+], [18+] and [?] should require people to sign up for it when they're old enough. My final thoughts are let's bring this age rating system not only to youtube but to other website videos otherwise we'll start boycotting youtube.

Note this is my fan art on a protest against youtubes system they do not have a flag rating system yet and they need it now to protect kids and good people from bad videos.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Examining the Hover Technology in Media

Examining Hover Technology in Media from Ben R. on Vimeo.

Bens Hoverpad Patent Plan

Bens hoverboard and hovercar idea

Hi there flat screen viewers sorry about the blurry image this is my idea on how hoverboards should low hover using magnets and trapping them in midair and how we should turn boring wheel cars into exciting hovercars. I hope this will help you out, help you to make hoverboards and hovercars a reality because we really need them invented right now not later. I hope people will take my idea seriously because I want them to be real.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Nils Gudagnin maglev Treasure Planet hoverboard

Hi there flat screen readers, today I want to talk about Nils Gudagnin Hoverboard that's right the hoverboard of Treasure Planet. Well it's 2011 and no sign of a low hoverboard or hovercar curse it. The hoverboard Nils made is actually a maglev hoverboard but sadly you can't stand on yet. But something tells me that hoverboard he made will only be a maglev hoverboard or hovercar meaning it will be steep expensive to lay out magnet tracks for the hoverboard so keep in mind it will only be for sports arenas, carnival rides, hoverboard maglev tracks in the park but don't count on it being used for transportation because it will be super expensive to tear down roads and rebuild roads just to bury magnets in it costing like billions of dollars. and plus it's confined to magnet tracks. So even if Nils does improve his Treasure Planet hoverboard don't expect the hoverboard to low hover without tracks so the available source for smooth low hovering is the maglev tracks for hoverboards and hovercars to float over which will cost thousands or millions of dollars to build. But for those that want to hover independent on a hoverboard and ride in a hovercraft be prepared for the downsides of air cushion unstable, bumpy, loud motor, out of control, and needing gasoline not to mention unsafe on the streets and it will be about between $5,000 to $10,000 but for those wanting to fly on a hoverboard it will be ducted fan and be hooked by a crane holder only for daredevil shows and you have to be a real daredevil and will be coming soon someday. And for the thrill ride go on a zipline hoverboard which will be coming very soon. But just remember Nils hoverboard is only for maglev rides but if you're looking for a self magnet hoverboard or hovercar that's at a cheap price, hovers smooth and in control and not loud. Then read my website and you'll find my best theories on my research and go to Bills website so it will be a long time before those Treasure Planet hoverboards do come to pass.