Hi there today I'm going to pay tribute to an old computer company called Sierra online before it got ruined by Vivendi company and then finally got completely taken over by Activision now I'm going to take you back in time to see what it used to be like.
(1979-1994) Sierras golden age
Back in the days when computers were invented There was 2 people that formed a Computer company Ken Williams and his wife Roberta Willians. They made games like Mystery House, The Wizard and the Princess, Mission Asteroid, Time Zone and The Dark crystal. Of course it was only a pausing picture typing game where you have to type the right words in order to move on but you couldn't move around like in the later games, the graphics were way old like a silent movie film. Then Roberta Williams made Kings Quest 1 and you can move your character in 4 directions but you had to type commands in order to pick stuff up and fight bad guys in certain ways and earn puzzle points. The graphics were very old and block pixels and there wasn't any talking yet but it had high pitched music and text dialog and some color. There were other games like Kings Quest 2 and 3 and Space Quest 1 and 2. When Kings Quest 4 was made the block pixels were alot smaller there was more color than ever and it had limited mouse clicking support, and it has nicer music but you still had to type in word commands, there were other games like Space Quest 3, Laura Bow: The Colonels bequest. Quest for glory 1, Kings Quest 1 remake. Most of the games we're good you didn't have to worry about swearing expect with some games but it had a few swear words and it was very rare to find naked woman pictures. Then the computer game Kings Quest 5 got made, It finally had real voice acting, word songs and the graphics were a little more advanced though not truly 3-D and but the typing commands have no longer been needed instead you used mouse support and picked different icons and clicked it over a certain spot. I was like that with Space Quest 4, Kings Quest 6 and 7. There were other kids games like the Incredible Machine, Dr. Brain series. But unfortunately other Sierra games that have been made started to have swearing, rude words and started to show some naked woman pictures.
(1994-1999) Sierras Silver age
When the video game rating system was created in 1994 it was for Nintendo games, Sega games, Playstation 1 games and PC computer games. The adventure games were made from 1984 to 1995 before it became 3-D action games and the adventure games with earning points has finally disappeared and they made 3-D games. But the Sierra company went downhill with making rated T and rated M games like bloody violent games, allowing swearing and naked pictures and stuff from hades. They made 3-D games until in 1999 they were forced to shutdown the Sierra online company putting people out of a job.
(2000-2008) Sierras bronze age
For 3 years after their 1999 shutdown they reorganized and merged with Vivendi games and they made Spyro the Dragon and Crash Bandicoot games and made The Hobbit and War of the rings but sadly their other video and computer games were bloody and violent, and had swearing and some naked pictures in those rated T and rated M games. And made online games that were violent and nasty. Then in 2008 Activision bought out both Vivendi and Sierra company and both of the companies shutdown for good and they are no longer around. Same thing happened with Midway games company (1958-2009) R.I.P that got bought out by Warner Bros. Now Activision owns the rights to Sierra computer games.
Sierra entertainment legacy R.I.P.
Even though the Sierra company is dead their video and computer games live on in CD roms and downloaded games but you can no longer get game help from the Sierra company. Now you can play their computer games in DOSBOX mode. Without people like Ken and Roberta Williams we would never have good adventure computer games. Thank you Roberta Williams for bringing the computer games into our lives may the old Sierra online company never be forgotten and that one day it will be brought back into a heavenly paradise without money restrictions, limitations and no more swearing or bad pictures, until then keep remembering.