Friday, September 4, 2009

Why 21st century flat screens are old fashioned?

I know this is a little off the subject of flying cars but I want to point out the cell phones, Internet, Nintendo Wii, DVD or Blu-ray discs, TVs and monitor screens, GPS computers we have are actually just more flat screens stuck behind the glass or plastic. There are disadvantages on flat screens first of all you can only watch TV shows or movies on one side only, second you can't see very many fighting scenes. Third you only can show a limited amount of scenery on one side only so the video camera acts like a humans eye. The solution to this flat screen barrier problem is creating 3-D hologram pictures for people to see moving pictures on all 6 directions without the silly 3-D glasses and is not held back by a flat or bulb glass covering like TVs and computers of today. Also the flat screen media we watch behind a flat screen glass or plastic barrier would not need a glass or plastic covering in fact the flat screen picture would float in mid air almost like a film projector except it's not shining on the wall but is a hovering flat screen. What does this have to do with the flying cars and hoverboards? Well in the hover age we need advanced media especially with air traffic control that's trying to help hovercar drivers get though air traffic safely using a 3-D hologram GPS system. For those of you that walk or drive around town with a cellphone to your ear, that type flat screen text messages, listen to music with an ipod, surf the flat screen Internet and play with the flat screen Nintendo wii with a wireless remote. Just remember they're just 20th century overtime gadgets and not 3-D holograms.