Sunday, September 12, 2010
Where's the 3-D hologram tabletop images
Hi there flat screener Internet people. Today I want to talk about my complaint about 3-D TV people are trying to sell to you I know it's not hover related but I just want to point out to you that 3-D TVs companies are trying to sell you is a ripoff and the reason is because you have to wear those stupid 3-D glasses. If you see my profile images then you'll know I wear normal eye glasses (note I don't wear contact lenses because I can't handle them.) I've had experiences where you go to those old 3-D movies that require you to wear special glasses but the experiences were awful because first of all I already wear glasses and putting on a second pair doesn't fit me well so I'm wearing 2 glasses at once over my 2 eyes. Second I get dizzy and get headaches after the 3-D so called movies I watched with those dorky 3-D glasses on. Then afterwards you have to give back the 3-D glasses to the ticket person to have washed and cleaned or worse thrown away. 3-D glasses are a big barrier to 3-D movies and 3-D TV shows. Because first of all it doesn't show true 3-D and it's not bright enough. Then there's that issue that 3-D glasses can get lost easily, or lens cracked or ear holder broken off, also if you want other people to watch with you like your friends or family members but you don't have anymore 3-D glasses then they have to miss out on seeing 3-D. So if anyone is planning on buying a 3-D TV please forget it because it costs over $2,000 and you have to pay about $200 just for one pair of 3-D glasses. The 3-D holograms I want to have is like in the movies Treasure Planet, Pinocchio 3000 and the TV shows Reboot, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Fast Forward where they have 3-D hologram images popping out of the tabletops and characters watching see 3-D holograms and none of them wear 3-D glasses. If 3-D holograms are going to have a real future then get rid of those silly glasses. Because one day we'll all look back at the 3-D TV with 3-D glasses as old school and inconvenient. Until that day comes when we can see true 3-D hologram without 3-D glasses then I'll be into it but in the meantime I'm sticking with flat screen TV and computer monitors. (I've never been a big fan of 3-D glasses)